
All are Important

Mini Short Story

Making friends can be hard. This is especially known to a little girl in the 2nd grade who is use to not having friends in school. All she wants is a few friends to play with during recess; she would even be happy to have just one friend. Sitting by a tree thinking of how lonely she was, she sees some classmates playing tag, a classic kids game. A few minutes of thinking go by and she finally gets the courage to ask her classmates if she can join their game.

Anxiously, she runs over and asks, "Can I join your game?" 
The leader of the kids group rudely responds, "No, go play somewhere else."
Before the girl has a chance to get defensive, a new kid at the school stands up and exclaims, "That's rude, she has no one to play with. I'm leaving to go play with her."

Confused about what just happened, she realizes that she is no longer alone. Unannounced to the little girl, she had made a friend. They talked for a little bit and she was nervous. Not having many friends and use to playing by herself, the girl did not want to ruin her new friendship. To her amazement, her new friend did not leave and they became good friends. That day, the little girl learned that she was important just like all the other kids on the playground. 

Question of the Day:

What can we do to make someone feel important today?

Find one new person and introduce yourself. Make a friend :-) 

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