

Ever go through a period of time when you feel like you can't have any peace? Whether it's a disruption of internal peace or too much going on in the world. You can have peace, no matter how things are at the moment. Holding on to God's promises are key; His promises are written throughout the bible.

This last week, I felt weak and pushed around by life's tides. It was almost like a repeat of my senior year burnout from high school, but different. I knew why I felt burnt out my senior year, except this time I had no idea what it was caused from. I had no internal peace. I was easily angered over little things and stuck in a pattern of self judgement. Because of this, I had no energy for anything. Just thinking about little, routine concepts such as homework wore me out.

I kept praying for the good Lord to help me. After a few days of this, I received a freeing message from the Holy Spirit. As I opened the bible during my quiet time, I was directed to Isaiah 54. I read Isaiah 54 and started to cry. Peace overflowed me as the Holy Spirit reminded me of who I was in Christ. 

God's love is greater than any mistake/heartache. In Jesus Christ, we are free and have peace. Remember that He loves you and will take care of you!  

Chapter of Study:

Isaiah 54; Mathew 8:23-27

Verse of the Day:

Psalm 46:10 ESV, "Be still, and know that I am God." 

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